Academic | Yale MEM
Multimodal Transportation + Transit-Oriented Development
Capstone Project + Selected Works
Spring 2021 - Spring 2022
Professor (Capstone): David Kooris
Professor (Land Use Clinic): Jessica Bacher
New Haven, CT
Yale School of the Environment
Yale President’s Public Service Fellowship - New Haven Dept. of Transportation: Over the summer of 2021, I worked in the New Haven Dept. of Transportation, Traffic, & Parking on their Safe Routes For All (SRFA) Plan. This opportunity was possible due to the Yale President’s Public Service Fellowship. My main projects were developing community engagement strategies and drafting the SRFA Implementation Plan. (No images available due to confidentiality).
Role: Community engagement, community-based design workshop development, and implementation planning.
Capstone Project - Transit-Oriented Development: This project was a class-wide effort to produce a data-driven transit-oriented development recommendation report to circulate to municipalities along the NYC/CT MTA Metro-North train line. My role in this project was to work on the Micromobility Team, which outlined recommendations for multimodal transportation connects, micromobility sharing programs, and mobility hubs at train stations. This report was shared with local leaders and is helping to set TOD priorities in the region. Below are excerpts from the final presentation.
Role: design, visualization, data collection, and Micromobility Team proposal development.
NY Climate Smart Communities - Active Transportation: Through my Land Use Clinic course, I had the opportunity to work on the NY State Climate Smart Communities certification program, which helps to incentivize local communities to prioritize sustainable actions. I studied the role of Active Transportation (namely walking, biking, and reducing car trips) and presented my findings at the Climate Smart Communities Committee Meeting in Spring 2021. Below are excerpts from that presentation.
Role: policy + precedent research, proposal development, documentation, visualization, + graphic presentation.